Welcome to the AesterothMC webstore.

In the store you will be able to make donations to the server and be rewarded with in-game ranks, Crate Keys, featured items, abilities, in game money, claim blocks and boosters.

We do not wish for this server to be P2W (PayToWin) and garner the attention that come with it, therefore -There is a chance to acquire these items from the store - in game via the vote system and crate keys that can be acquired from the vote crate (One per Vote) or Pandora's box (One a day) at spawn. The exception to this are any Bundles and the top tier rank.

All donations made through the store are securely dealt with via PayPal and protected on the website via Positive SSL 

Attn: As this is digital content, There will be no refunds from all payments made through the webstore.


As we support bedrock clients on AesterothMC, anyone connecting with the Bedrock Client will be using a name starting with an underscore "_", e.g "Aesteroth" in the Java client will be "_Aesteroth" if using the Bedrock client. As such, please make sure you input the correct IGN (In Game Name) into the web store to ensure you receive your purchase in a timely manner.

I'd like to thank you for visiting this server and wish you have a wonderful time here.

- Aesteroth (Owner)